Construction Materials Testing & Inspection

Construction projects of all types need quality assurance and special inspections to ensure long-lasting durability. Performed throughout all construction phases of a site, construction material testing is crucial for the successful completion of infrastructure.

Construction MaterialS Testing & Inspection Services

By ensuring that the materials used to build your project meet local and regional requirements, the ATL team will give you the resources necessary to find success in your community. We provide full-scope soils, materials testing, and special inspection services utilizing advanced equipment and technology in our accredited laboratory.

OUR CERTIFIEDTesting & Inspection Capabilities

  • Stabilization Inspection & Compaction
  • Drilled Pier Inspection
  • Mix Design & Batch Plant Inspection
  • Cast-In-Place & Precast Inspection
  • Post Tensioning and Concrete Coring
  • Asphaltic Concrete (Laboratory & Field)
  • Asphaltic Concrete Design & Pavement Evaluation
  • Roofing, Fireproofing, and Paint Inspection
  • Masonry Inspection and Testing
  • Concrete Aggregate Analysis (Sieve and Hydrometer)
  • Compression and Flexural Testing

Have a Project in Mind?

Completing a building project requires materials that will last long term. With our range of construction material testing and inspection services, you’ll be given the confidence needed for your project.

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Quality Lab Results

As an accredited, commercial laboratory, our testing capabilities provide quality assurance and quality control.

Comprehensive Reporting

All test results are provided in a timely manner, ensuring you are fully prepared to accommodate your site’s conditions.

Trusted Analysis

Our consultations will equip you with the data necessary to make cost-effective decisions for your project.